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Disability Benefits in California: Your Guide to Support and Success

According to the Social Security Administration’s latest report, more than 500,000 Californians receive disability benefits. If you’re a Californian and cannot work because of an injury or illness, you can rest assured knowing you’re not alone — and that support options are available.

Types of Disability Programs in California

California is one of just five states with a short-term disability program that provides partial-wage replacement benefits. You can receive California Disability Insurance benefits, or DI benefits, for up to 52 weeks. But if you suspect you will be out of work for over a year, you should also apply for Social Security disability benefits. The Social Security Administration administers two federal disability programs: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

SSDI vs. SSI: What’s the Difference?

SSDI and SSI offer long-term monthly benefits and healthcare coverage, but the eligibility criteria and payment amounts differ. Individuals who have worked at least five of the last ten years and have paid a certain amount of Social Security taxes may qualify for SSDI. On the other hand, SSI is a need-based program for those with a limited work history, low income, and few assets.

How Much are Disability Benefits in California?

So, how much do disability benefits pay in the Golden State? DI benefits are 60-70% of your former wages, and the maximum weekly payment is $1,620. In 2024, the maximum SSDI payment is $3,822 per month, with the average payment in California being $1,524. For SSI, the maximum monthly payment is $943, with Californians receiving an average of $578.

Do I Need a Disability Lawyer in California?

It’s no secret that applying for disability benefits can be complex and time-consuming. And while the Social Security Administration does not mandate having a disability lawyer to apply for benefits, a Social Security disability lawyer can help you navigate the process. An attorney can help you complete the paperwork, gather your medical records, and even represent you in a hearing with an administrative law judge.

Get Help With Atticus

Finding and vetting a disability lawyer in California can be daunting, but Atticus, a public-interest law firm, simplifies the process. Atticus connects applicants with an experienced disability lawyer and boasts an impressive 91% success rate for California clients.

Consider Kevin A.'s experience — he turned to Atticus after the SSA denied his initial application. "I saw Atticus, and I said, I’m taking a shot with them. It was the best shot I ever took," he says.

For Atticus client Maria G., working with a lawyer on her disability application was a huge stress relief. Her attorney handled the paperwork and communicated to the SSA on her behalf. Within six months, Maria won the benefits she deserved. “When I got my first check, let me tell you, I was excited, I was happy, and I was just grateful knowing I’d be able to keep my family together with a roof over our head,” she says.

There are no upfront costs of working with a disability lawyer through Atticus — you only pay if you win benefits, and the maximum fee is capped at 25% of your first disability check. You can learn more about the medical and technical eligibility requirements for SSDI and SSI, plus tips for your application, on Atticus’s resources page.

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